=> the all-important disclaimer

Mulcahy: Wondrous and mysterious are the ways of God, and I would have no one shield my eyes from the glory of His works.
Burns: What does that mean?
Mulcahy: It means there's more than one way to skin a spirit.
- Exorcism, M*A*S*H

Looking for Contributors

Have something Fr. Mulcahy-related that you wish to share? I'm especially in need of:

  • Fan Fic
  • Icons, Wallpaper, Photo Manips, and other shinies.
  • Scans of promotional materials featuring the Padre (postcards, photos, etc.) If someone notices a Ebay-auction featuring any of those items, please email me.
  • Information about Mr. Christopher's charity work.

Unless there are specific requests for M*A*S*H captures I'm gonna be following what we're watching for 40774077_watch. If there's something from later in the series you'd like to see, let me know. :)

What's New:

April 5th, 2010

Playing catch-up as per usual. :)

New Galleries:
April 2nd, 2010

New Galleries: